Monday, February 9, 2009

My Bucket List

I've seen a few different bucket list's lately and it kind of got me to thinking about what my bucket list would consist of. A bucket list for those who don't know is a list of things you want to accomplish before you die. Now keep in mind that a bucket list will change over time as we change over time. But for now, here is MY bucket list.

1. Rid our planet of the evil domineering carnies. (duh!)

2. Rid the planet of garden gnomes who are all in league with the evil carnies.

3. Help a coke addicted rodeo clown get off his clown addiction and move on with his life.

4. Finish my "to do" list

5. Win the lottery

6. Shoot, and make, a 3 pointer (I suck at basketball)

7. Shoot a .50 caliber rifle

8. Find Bigfoot, and get him a sponsorship with Gillette.

9. Complete a scientific study of which creatures melt when you pour salt on them.

10. Cross the Grand Canyon on a pogo stick "facing" Evel Knievel.

11. Learn how to eat rice with chopsticks

12. Learn how to use an abacus

13. Overcome my superstitions

14. Come to a decision on what kind of body I want after I become a brain in the jar.

15. Learn how to balance a checkbook. Oh wait, that's on the IRS's bucket list...

16. Laugh everyday.

17. Find where a shooting star lands.

18. Go on a week long horse ride where you have to "rough it".

19. Find the best way to get Nitrous Oxide out of a can of whipped cream.

20. Find someone else on this planet who appreciated the movie "Shakes the Clown".

21. Overcome my addiction to the smell of an opening can of tennis balls.

22. Successfully market my Outdoors Triathlon.

23. Do not offend the Illuminati

24. Solve a Rubik's cube

25. Take life less serious.

26. And not be committed in the process

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