Sunday, February 8, 2009

30 pounds equal 1 inch

There is a new math that a friend of mine informed me of. It's basis is that losing 30 pounds equals one inch of penis length. The idea is that a guy (and certain transvestites/transsexuals) loses 30 pounds, you gain effectively one inch of penis length. Now, I have recently lost 30 pounds and said friend asked me if my wife noticed the extra inch. I'm not leaving it up to her as an extra inch added to my already huge 10 inches isn't that big of a deal. So scientifically I measured it and yes, my penis (dick/cock/crowbar of love) did increase in size. This turned out to be a big motivator for my friend to continue on his weight loss goal, and I'm not sure what to make of that. Maybe I should just leave it as I have a penis that inspires people. :) So from now on I will be claiming that I have an 11" penis, and that so you are not alarmed, I DO know how to use it. Unless I have been drinking and then all bets (and claims) are off. I (like most men) may THINK I know how to use it, but there are no guarantee's implied or implicit.

The use of big words used in questionable circumstances is proof that this is a drunk (and tired) blog.

Something something something, have a good night, it's god's way of telling you that you did it right, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, I think Julia Louise Dreyfus has great hair, Seinfeld was a great show I should watch it again, the Bee Movie sucked, I sometimes wish I had an American Express card, especially when I go to Costco, god I love Costco for their samples, I wish I had room and could afford a nice elliptical machine, I'm thinking of joining a gym again, how many commas are in this train of thought sentence, I like trains, I've been on a train once, there was a military guy meeting his girlfriend/fiance' and they kissed when he got off and I never realized how amazingly cool that was till now, I loved being kissed by loved ones.


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