Thursday, December 11, 2008

They are out there...

And they want to take over the world. They have friends in high places (Karl Rove), and low (gnomes). They have weapons of mass destruction (transfat laced junk food with negative nutritional values). Who are they? They, are Carnies! And they have an enemy, which would be me!

I stumbled upon the insidious carny plans many years ago when upon a triple dog dare I snuck into the head carny's mobile shack. What I found amazed me, and changed my life. It was the Big Book of Carnyhood. It was filled with evil ideas and plans. About how to take advantage of young girls and turn young men into evil minions. I was immediately entranced by the boldness and insanity of this book and was reading it for a short time when the head carny of that carny tribe came through the door.


There I was holding the Big Book of Carnyhood in front of the head carny. We just stood there for a second or two looking in each others eyes. Waiting to see what the other would do. Seeing who would move first. Since I was about to pee myself, I made a break for it. First I screamed and threw the book down as a distraction (some may have classified the scream as girly, but they can go eff themselves as they weren't there). Next, I jumped out the window. Well, I tried to jump out the window but as I was almost out the head carny grabbed my leg. Then he started pulling on it just as I am pulling yours now.


No but seriously, the carnies do have a Big Book of Carnyhood that has many plans and ideas for enslaving the human race. You have been warned.

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