Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snowblower time!

So we got hit with 6 inches or so of snow here last night, more in some places. I got up this morning and was thankful for my new snowblower. What would normally take me a couple of days and a couple of near heart attacks, took me a little over an hour and a half. It's not perfect, but it is very usable.

Speaking of heart attacks. I had my bluetooth headset on way under my clothing after I bundled up. I thought it would be loud enough to hear over the snowblower, but alas, it was just barely audible. Instead of half stripping down outside to change the volume, I just dealt with it, hearing bits and pieces of the music as background noise more than anything else. So off I went working my way all the way around the horse barn and up the hill to the top of our driveway. I had to go up and down a few times to get the hilly part done. As I was about to head up the hill part of the driveway for the last time (feel the burn!), all of a sudden I hear this screaming voice! It scares the complete shit out of me, and I spin around trying to see what the fuck is going on, or who is fucking with me in a bad way. At about the 180 degree point in my spin, I realize it was a part of a song that was WAY louder than anything else. So I had a little adrenaline giggle, then look around to make sure no one saw my huge spaz attack. It reminded me of Jim Carrey in "The Grinch" after he about loses it on his rocket powered sled and freaks out in a huge way, looks around, and says "almost lost my cool there."

My wife is messed up. Not only did she marry me, which is a sign of her messed upness, she just shoved her hand in my face and said, "Smell my fingers!" This after she had cut up some onions. You know, she also drank a full Bigfoot beer... Makes you wonder. I wonder how much the state pays her to deal with me... That's a lot of ellipses. Ellipsies? Ellipsi? All right, all you grammar nuts out there, bring on the corrections!

So I'll leave you with that, and a tear in my eye (from someone's oniony fingers)...


  1. I'd like to point out that you're a liar and I said "onion!" not "smell my fingers." I also did not currently drink a full bottle of bigfoot beer. That was a long time ago and I was trying to leave it behind me. You've brought back all the pain...

    Thanks for clearing the snow this morning, it made my work a lot easier!

  2. Truth is about perception. And my perception is funnier than yours, so I win.

    You're welcome for the snow clearing this morning! And you're welcome in advance for when I clear it again tonight, and then tomorrow morning. Just remember to watch my back for polar bears, and feisty penguins.
