Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Carnies Like Slugs Can Be Killed by Salt

Killed might be too strong of a word, but it got your attention didn't it? I take my guidelines for headlines from the press. By which I mean I lie. Because the press lies. You never hear or read of what the Carnies are up to in the media do you? Speaking of which...

I think the Carnies tried to kill me today. We have a very long driveway at our place, like 1200 ft of driveway. At some point last night the Carnies came out to the big hill part of our driveway and melted the snow on it just enough to make some very thick ice. This morning, I'm in my truck (Thor) going up the driveway to meet with someone at a local hospital to help out when all of a sudden my truck isn't going up the hill anymore. Next, my truck wasn't just not going up, but going down, and not on purpose. Now, we have a picturesque driveway with a nice view to the side. When you are sliding backwards down a hill out of control, that pleasing vista becomes the edge of doom. So there I am, sliding backwards when a stray thought passes by me, "I wonder how many times I can drop an f-bomb in a second?" It turns out to be a pretty impressive number if you have the encouragement of the approaching angel of death.

Have no fear, I'm a tough guy to take out. I eased it gently into the snow bank, then got the truck stuck in a ditch next to the flatter part of our driveway. You know, Thor is a big 4x4 truck, but even it couldn't get out of that one. But I was safe to fight the Carnies another day, and that's the important point.

Oh, and the salt. My amazing wife put some salt down to melt the ice so that we could get the truck out. The salt foiled the icily evil plans of Carnies. Yep, that makes her a freedom fighter. Don't mess with her, she could could take on Wonder Woman. :) Suddenly I hear an early 70's funky bass line...

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