Friday, June 19, 2009

Bathroom Graffiti

So I'm not technically drunk, but I got a buzz on, and that's the best you can do with Bud Light. :)

So the other day I was in the bathroom at a grocery store, when I looked up and saw this.

Many thoughts passed through my head after seeing this:

"So is it OK with god if I masturbate in other bathrooms?"

"Would I get to pick the three kittens?"

"You know, I don't really like kittens all that much anyway."

"Who or what gets it if I do something more than masturbate?"

"If I masturbate twice do SIX kittens die?"

"You know, I don't really like kittens all that much anyway."

I had that thought twice, if you are keeping track. Anyway, at some point I decided that since I'm either A, a gnostic, or B, an agnostic, this graffiti didn't mean shit to me, but a way to mentally masturbate (so to speak anyway), and I wonder if any kittens die if you even just think about it.

You know, if god is against masturbation, does that mean god is pro-prostitution or just that the whole concept of monogamy is a cultural affectation for us? (re-reading this, I realize that I did some big jumping ahead here, but I don't care)

OH! Maybe instead of "combing our hair" you can say "I'm killing the kittens" as a code phrase for masturbation. Seriously, try it out next time someone is pounding on the bathroom door. Five bucks says it will get whoever is pounding on the door to stop bugging you and leave you to our own pounding.

Yep, as always I'm a giver of ideas and enlightenment.

You know, "American beer" may not be as strong as "micro brews", but if you drink enough, you still get to the "how the fuck did I end up here" phase of drinking. Which is where I am now.

And for one reader out there, I would like to point out that I didn't mention my penis once in this blog, and this sentence doesn't count.

Remember, orgasms are gods way of telling you did it right(but if you did it alone, apparently that kills 3 kittens).


  1. To be honest, I am thinking I have some questions about the integrity and honesty of the author at this point. While not thoroughly read, I am pretty sure that line doesn't appear in any bible anywhere. Does that mean the author is in communion with God? Was he then just a witeness, or was this a personal revelation? In the latter case, were kittens in the bathroom with him at the time, or did he get a call from the wife right after..."Honey, sorry to call you right at this particular time, but this is the third time that exactly three of our kittens have died again...are you in THAT bathroom again?" In the former, I no longer have the energy.

  2. It's quite the metaphysical conundrum
