Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drunken Farmers

So a friend and I were talking about farming and the hot and hard work of doing small farm haying and harvesting. He was telling me about how when he was a teenager, they used to have a nice cold beer (or two, or three..) to help offset the heat of haying and harvesting. By late in the afternoon the guys driving the tractors were swerving in the fields and the guys driving trucks weren't doing a lot better. And if anyone was getting bent out of shape by that, it was "the heat talking", and "why don't you have another beer to cool down".

That got me to thinking, wouldn't it be hilarious if a county Sheriff tried to pull over some guy driving a combine out in the field. I could just see the Sheriff yelling over the loudspeaker to "Pull over or I will shoot out your tires you son of a bitch!" If the guy did get pulled over, it would give new meaning to "Field Sobriety Test".

Can you imagine the conversation that would be?

Farmer: stepping down unsteady from the combine with a lot of empty beer cans falling out with him, "what was I doing Sheriff, speeding?"

Sheriff: "Son, you just mowed down three fencelines and Old Lady Wilkenson's cat you son of a bitch" (All Sheriff's love to use the term "son of a bitch". I know this from watch lots of 70's movies)

Farmer: giggles

Sheriff: Shoots the farmer because he was "resisting arrest"

The End


  1. I think this story would have been a lot more believable and realistic if there was a tall group of trees nearby, and the Jolly Green Giant was posing for his 'can shot', but was also drunk and so tripped on shrubery and fell with a "Whump!" (and then sneezed!), that kicked up so much dust that it really looked like the guy in the tractor had been speeding, cause really, what office is going to believe in the "Jolly Green Giant" argument the farmer would try to give...

  2. Dude! I've SEEN the Jolly Green Giant is real life. I will no longer mock him or allow him to be mocked. He's a chill dude, adn totally easy to hang with.

  3. OK, apparently I can't type while drinking wither...
